Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chlorine Filter Shower Head - Reducing The Risk Of Some Serious Diseases

Chlorine filter shower head - sounds like a contradictory in terms doesn't it. After all, we have all been told that chlorination is vital to kill microbiological matter - without it, bacteria would run wild in drinking water causing serious gastrointestinal illnesses or even death.

However, as important as chlorination is, many do not realize how damaging it can be to their health.

Chlorine Health Effects - Asthma

Did you know that asthma, is one of the most common reason for Absence from school? Did you know that the U.S. swimming team has a disproportionately higher level of asthma suffers when compared to other teams within the overall U.S Olympic team.

What is the connection - you got it - chlorine. Chlorine worsens the condition of current asthma sufferers and increases the risk of getting asthma.

Whether you drink it via a glass of water or inhale it when you have a hot shower, chlorinated water can affect you.

More Health Effects - Cancer

When chlorinated water interacts with organic matter like hair, skin, urine etc - it forms disinfectant by products which scientists claim can cause cancer.

Don't think you are off the hook if you drink bottled water. You take showers don't you? Chlorine can seep through the skin or can be inhaled when it turns to steam in a hot shower.

Some scientist claim inhaling chlorine is more dangerous than drinking it via a glass of water. As a matter of fact, the EPA found that there are elevated amounts of chloroform in almost every American household due to the use of chlorinated water.

Therefore, it is vital to do what you can to lower the level of chlorine in your home.

Chlorine Filter Shower Head

This is one of the devices that can remove virtually 100% of chlorine from your shower water. It is easy to install and inexpensive.

Apart from the health effects, bathing in chlorine-free water leaves the skin and hair more radiant than bathing in regular tap water. This is because chlorine tends to dry out hair and skin.

What You Need To Do Now

Look for reputable suppliers of chlorine shower head filters. Reputable suppliers tends to sell certified filter units.

Certified devices have been tested and are guaranteed to remove contaminants of a certain class. Fort example, some certified filters can remove chlorine and sediment only others can remove a wider variety of contaminants

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